Administrative Structure
The Administrative structure of the College is headed by the Provost, while the other divisions are headed by the most senior officers in such division[s] in the following units/division:
- Security Unit
- Students Affairs Division
- Internal Audit Unit
- Job Placement and Alumni Relations Unit.
- Public Relations Unit.
The Registry is headed by the Registrar who is the Chief Administrative Officer responsible to the Provost for the day-to-day administrative work flow in the College. Dr Gabriel Adedayo Adedayo, is the incumbent Registrar of the College, by virtue of this appointment; he is the Secretary to the College’s Governing Council, Academic Board and Convocation Committee and sits in advisory capacity at all committees of Council and Academic Board as well as other administrative committees to advise on rules, regulations and procedures of the College. He is the custodian of the College seal, other legal documents and records.
The Registrar’s immediate Office functions as the hub of administrative activities in the College as well as the point of call for many visitors to the institution. The Registry Department has about nine(9) Divisions and each is headed by the Deputy Registrars.
The Senior Staff Establishment Division of the College Registry is saddled with the responsibility of dealing with all issues that concern the senior staff of the College and other allied personnel issues. The focal point of all the senior staff of the College and other personnel issues under the purview of the Senior Staff Establishment include Promotion, Confirmation of Appointment, Regularization of Appointment, Upgrading, Conversion, Induction, Redeployment, Professional Ethics and Discipline.
The Senior Staff Establishment also advises the Management and conveys management decisions whenever it is requested to do so.
The Division comprises three Units namely;
-Deputy Registrar’s Office
-Academic Unit
-Non- Academic Unit
The Junior Staff Establishment Division is an integral arm of the College Registry. The Division has among its several responsibilities, the Appointment, Promotion, Discipline, Redeployment and any other personnel matters pertaining to Junior Staff. It is also saddled with the responsibilities of filling junior staff vacancies in Schools, Departments, Sections and Units of the College. The Division is also the Custodian of junior staff records, such as the junior staff nominal roll and other statistical distributions.
The Records and Scholarship is a division of the Registry Department. It is saddled with the responsibilities of keeping the records of all former and present students of the College including personal files.
The division which was known as Academic Office was made up of Examinations, Admissions and Records Sections formerly. However, due to the expansion in the Registry in 2006/2007, it was re-designated as Examinations and Records Division; and most recently due to further restructuring, it was renamed Records and Scholarship Division.
The Examinations and Academic Board Matters Division was created from the former Examinations and Records Division of the Registry in 2010 as a result of the restructuring of the College Registry to enhance greater productivity and effectiveness. The Division is responsible for the monitoring and coordination of examinations, collection and storage of Students’ Examinations Mark Sheets (EMS), coordination of cases of Examination Malpractice and related problems, providing secretariat for Academic Board meetings and Board of Examiners, and dissemination of Academic Board decisions to relevant sections of the College.
The Council Affairs Division is an integral part of the College Registry Department. It serves as the Secretariat of the College Governing Council. The Deputy Registrar is responsible to the Registrar for the day- to- day administration of the office.
Responsibilities of the Council Affairs Division
The Council Affairs Division is essentially saddled with the following responsibilities:
-providing secretariat services for Council and Council Committee meetings.
-handling the preparation, collation and dispatch of working papers for Council meetings
-communicating decision extracts of Council meetings.
-overseeing the Council Chairman’s Office
-other general administrative duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Registrar.
The Pension and Staff Welfare Division of the College was once a unit under the Senior Staff Establishment Division of the Registry. In October, 2006, it was upgraded to a Division of the Registry for more efficiency in the handling of Welfare and Pension responsibilities.
The Terms of Reference of the Division
The terms of reference of the Pension and Staff Welfare Division are as follows:
-to be responsible to the College Registrar
-to handle all matters concerning the Staff Pension on behalf of the College.
-to handle all Staff Welfare matters as directed by the College Management.
-to implement Federal Government Circular on Staff Pension Matters.
-to initiate Welfare Matters with the College Management as the need arises.
-to implement College Welfare packages as appropriate.
-to take any additional responsibilities as may be given by the Registrar.
SERVICOM is an integral part of the College Registry Department, The Unit however reports directly to the Provost. The Unit is split into subdivisions namely: Charter, Service Improvement, Customer Care/Complaints each of which is managed by Desk Officers who is assisted by Secretariat/Clerical support staff. The College SERVICOM Unit has representatives in schools/unit who operate as service windows through the Service Delivery Committee.
This Division of the College Registry Department is saddled with responsibilities of training and orientation of staff as at when due.
The Division was created to assist the Registrar in the overall running of the administrative arm of the College. It operates within the framework of the Registry mandate.
Security Unit
Just as it is synonyms with all security enterprises, the central pre-occupation of the unit include protection of lives and property, prevention and detection of crimes, maintenance of peace and safety on the campus and enforcement of all rules and regulations that fall within the capacity of the unit.
The existence of Security Unit in the Federal College of Education Abeokuta dates back to the inception of the College. The unit initially began with the employment of laymen as night guards and gatemen. These few guards were then supervised by some senior members of staff [Administrators or Lecturers] who had limited knowledge about security operations.
The body however metamorphosed later into its full status when retired officers from the Nigerian Armed Forces, Police, State Security Service and other paramilitary services were recruited to fill the various positions such as Chief Security Officer [C.S.O.], Security officers [S.O.] Patrol Supervisors, head guards and so on.
Student Affairs Division
The Student Affairs Department is a unit of the Provost’s Office, saddled with the responsibilities of taking care of the welfare of the students of the College. The Unit ensures that the students comply with the rules and regulations of the College, maintaining decorum as it concerns. Students Union activities, clubs, societies and academic associations. The Unit is in charge of hostel allocation, issuance of students’ Identity Cards and supervision of bursary and scholarship awards to students by States among other students’ related activities.
The Student Affairs Unit is headed by the Dean of Students. The Dean, along with the Student Affairs Officer, carries out the day-to-day administration of the Unit. The current Dean of Students is Dr Badaru.
Internal Audit Unit
The Internal Audit of the College is a unit in the Provost’s office, established in 1988. The scope and responsibilities of the Internal Audit Unit include:
Review of control systems, financial or otherwise to ensure compliance with the College policies, plans, procedures and with laws and regulations.
-Appraisal of the economy and efficiency of operations relating to the management and utilization of resources e.g. personnel, property, etc.
-Detailed examination of income and expenditure statement to ensure its correct recording, classification and allocation.
-Verification of assets and liabilities.
-Reporting of the divergences observed to the Provost
-Carrying out other duties that may be assigned by the Provost.
Job Placement and Alumni Relations Unit
Job Placement and Alumni Relations Unit operates as a unit under the Provost office with a Coordinator as the Unit head. The unit has two major schedules, which are fused into one for ease of operation and administration.
Job Placement
The job placement aspect of the schedule of the unit was created to assist ex-students of the College to secure gainful employment after graduation. Other features of the job placement include:
-Identifying and liaising with prospective employers [private and public] with a view to assisting graduates of the College in securing employment.
-Obtaining feedbacks from the employers of the College graduates to determine their productivity level, with a view to informing the College on areas/aspects of its learning and teaching activities requiring adjustments or improvements.
Alumni Relations
The Alumni Relations is a vibrant schedule of the Unit. It serves as the focal point between the College and its ex-students.
Few aspects of the Alumni Relations schedule include:
-Liaising with and providing services for the FCE Alumni Association
-Monitoring the existing branches of the FCE Alumni Association throughout the country as well as coordinating the activities of the branches.
-Intimating members of the Alumni Association with development in the College vis-Ã -vis the Alumni Association and organizing Alumni re-union meetings.
-Relating with College student populace on matters that have to do with Alumni Association.
-Ensuring that fresh and outgoing final year students pay the required levies with the bank account of the Alumni Association.
Public Relations Unit
The Public Relations Unit is one of the units directly under the Provost’s Office. The unit is responsible for all public relations activities of the College, which include: information management, press relations and protocol activities.
These activities are being carried out by the Officers in the respective sections.
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